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Indent module helps mediators to manage their daily business activity. This module consists of five sub-modules which are as: Dashboard, New Indent, All, Pending Commission, Debit Note.

1. Dashboard

The Dashboard of Indent module gives overview of all indent activities. It is further classified into three sections namely: Cards, Graph, and Table.

1.1 Cards

1.2 Graph

The graph is further divided into sections namely, Customer, Product, Supplier, Executive, and Indent.

1.3 Table

When user clicks on View More which is placed on the Cards screen scrolls down and the list of table seen which exactly look like below image.

2. New Indent

In this sub-module user can add new indent details. This sub-module is further classified into two sections: Indent Details and Essential Details

2.1 Indent Details

This section has Local or Not Local switch through which user can specify whether that indent is domestic or international. It is consists of fields:

2.2 Essential Details

In this section user needs to fill product and payment details of indent as shown in following image.

3. All

All is a sub-module of Indent module where user can manage all indents. The table of records comprises Indent Number, Labels on Indent, Indent Date, Customer Name, Supplier Name, Product Details, and Executive Name. The 'Add New' button given in top left corner redirect user to New Indent module where user can create new indent.

4. Pending Commission

Pending Commission is a sub-module of Indent module which displayed the list of pending commissions. The table of records comprises Indent, Lot, Commission Due Date, Commission Amount, Debit Date, Debit Number, Invoice Date, Invoice Number. In Comm Recd Date field user can define the record date, In Comm Recd Amount field user can specify commission amount, The Cheque field comprises cheque details, Action field comprises Save button through which user can save the record. The 'Add New' button given in top left corner redirect user to New Indent module where user can create new indent.

5. Debit Note

In this sub-module user add debit note along with indent. It further classified into two sections: Add Debit Number and List

5.1 Add Debit Note

To add the debit note in indent here user have to select indent details first from the table section. It comprises following fields:

5.2 List

In List section user can see the list of debit note.

Indent View

By clicking indent user can view the details of that indent. The top left corner has a Print or Email dropdown through which user can convert these details into email format or user can print these details, Action button through which user can take specific action on that record, Labels button through which user can assigns label on that record.