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The EMD Module is designed to help an organization manage and keep track of their Earnest Money Deposits or Bank Guarantees. The EMD module is divided into two sub-modules:

To access the EMD module, click on EMD in the sidebar, a dropdown containing the two submodules will appear. The user can use this dropdown to navigate to either of the sub-modules.

1. Add EMD/BG

This sub-module helps the user enter a record of an EMD paid.
After clicking on Add in the sidebar, the user is prompted to fill a form asking for details of the deposit.
The user is prompted to fill the following fields:

Fields marked with an asterisk(*) are required and can't be left empty.
Press the Save button to add the new EMD, press Cancel to discard the changes.

2. List

This sub-module shows to the user the list of EMDs that have been made. It is divided into two sections: Paid and Received.
The user can alter the date range of the listing by using the Date Range dropdown just above the search bar.

To add a new EMD, press the Add New button, this will direct you to the Add sub-module and display a form. Upon filling the form, press the Save button to add it to the list.

2.1 Paid

The Paid section displays the list of EMDs paid by the company. The user can see the date of payment along with the expiry date of each EMD.

2.2 Received

The Received section displays the list of EMDs for which the deposit has been recovered. The user can see the date of payment of the EMD along with the date at which the EMD was recovered.

2.3 EMD/BG View

When the user clicks on a date of a record in the EMD list, the EMD view of that particular record is displayed to the user.

The EMD/BG View displays all informaton related to the EMD. The user can attach documents to the EMD record and also take numerous other actions on it.

2.3.1 Actions

The following actions can be taken on an EMD record:
  • Payment Received: If the payment against an EMD is received,press the Payment Received button.

    The user is then prompted to enter details of the payment. After filling all the details, press the Save button to add the EMD to the received list. Press the Cancel button to discard the changes.

  • Edit: To edit the EMD details, press the Edit button.

    The user is then prompted to fill a form asking for the new details of the EMD. After entering all the details, press the Save button to save the changes. Press the Cancel button to go back to the view after discarding the changes.

  • Delete: To delete the record of the EMD, press the Delete button.
  • Back: To go back to the EMD List, press the Back button.

2.3.2 Tabs


The user can attach additional documents to an EMD using Edifybiz's DMS functionality.
To add a new document, the user can click on the Add Document button and refresh the list of added documents by clicking on the Refresh button.
The user can navigate through different folders in the Folders column.
The details of a document include the File Name, the Size of the File, the Date of Creation and the user who created the document.
The actions that can be taken on a document include:

  • Download: To download the document.
  • View Online: This opens the document in a new tab.
  • View Version: Allows the user to view previous versions of the document.
  • Update Document: Allows the user to revise or update a document.
  • Delete: Enables the user to delete a document.
  • Private Link: This generates a link to the document. This document is password protected.
  • Public Document: This generates a link to the document which can be viewed by anyone who posseses the link.
  • Tags: This enables the user to add a tag to the document.
These actions are enlisted in the actions column of the document list.


In this section, the user can upload and view different uploaded documents
The user can navigate through different folders in the Folders column on the left.
Once a folder is selected, the user can view the documents that exist in that folder.
The user can generate a link to the document by clicking on the Get Link button.
To get an overview of a document, the user can click on the name of the document.
To add a new document to the selected folder, the user can click on the Add New button.

When the user clicks on the Add New button, the user is prompted to enter the document details. These details include the Document title, the Folder and Apply Canned Action.
Use Apply Canned Action to generate a document in accordance to a set template.
The user then is able to format the document using the CK Editor.
Upon finishing the above procedure, the user can press the Save button to save the document or cancel the document and go back to the previous screen by pressing the Cancel button.

After clicking on the name of a document, the user can see a preview of the document
Various actions can be taken on the document. These include:

  • Mail the document to someone else.
  • Revise the document.
  • Delete the document.
  • Edit the document.
  • Print the document.