The AMC Contract module of EdifyBiz is designed to help manage Annual Maintainance Contracts of a company and provide statistics of the same. It is divided into two sub-modules:
This sub-module gives an overview and helps the user view statistics of different AMC Contracts. The user can also generate a pie chart or a bar chart to analyze the same.
The list contains of the following 3 sections
Cards divide contracts into four different categories. Each card represents a different category. These four cards are as follows:
This section allows the user to generate charts to analyze different contracts.
The chart could be of two types, a Pie Chart and a Bar Chart. This can be selected using the charts dropwdown.
The user also has the option to select the top 10 contracts or all the contracts using the Chart Record dropdown.
The date range of the chart can also be altered by clicking on the red dropdown in the top right corner
The chart can be drawn using either of the three points of view. These are as follows:
The user can view details about different AMC contracts and add a new contract in this section.
The user can attach additional documents to a contract using Edifybiz's DMS functionality.
To add a new document, the user can click on the Add Document button and refresh the list of added documents by clicking on the Refresh button.
The user can navigate through different folders in the Folders column.
The details of a document include the File Name, the Size of the File, the Date of Creation and the user who created the document.
The actions that can be taken on a document include:
In this section, the user can upload and view different uploaded documents
The user can navigate through different folders in the Folders column on the left.
Once a folder is selected, the user can view the documents that exist in that folder.
The user can generate a link to the document by clicking on the Get Link button.
To get an overview of a document, the user can click on the name of the document.
To add a new document to the selected folder, the user can click on the Add New button.
When the user clicks on the Add New button, the user is prompted to enter the document details. These details include the Document title, the Folder and Apply Canned Action.
Use Apply Canned Action to generate a document in accordance to a set template.
The user then is able to format the document using the CK Editor.
Upon finishing the above procedure, the user can press the Save button to save the document or cancel the document and go back to the previous screen by pressing the Cancel button.
After clicking on the name of a document, the user can see a preview of the document
Various actions can be taken on the document. These include:
The user can create a followup and view previous followups in the tab. The user can add a Contact, Company Person and Product in the Follow Up.
To create a new follow up, the user can click on the Add New button and refresh the list of added follow ups by clicking on the Refresh button.
The user can create a task and view existing tasks corresponding to a contract in this tab.
To create a new task, the user can click on the Create Task button and refresh the list of added tasks by clicking on the Refresh button.