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The Opportunity module helps an organization manage its opportunities in an efficient manner and help get better success rates.

Add New

You can add a new Opportunity by clicking on the Add New button, which is located in the top right corner of the Opportunity page.

  • The user is prompted to fill the following fields in order to add the new opportunity.
    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and can not be left empty.
  • Opportunity View

    The Opportunity view displays all the entered details pertaining to the given opportunity. An example of this is depicted in the below image.

  • Actions: The user can use the action button which is located in the top right corner of the page to Edit or Delete a record.
  • Edit Opportunity: You can edit opportunity details by clicking on the Edit button which is located in the top right corner of the page.
  • The user is now displayed a form with fields filled with existing data. The user can now make changes to the information before pressing the Save button in order to confirm the changes made. Press cancel to discard the changes and go back to the previous page.

  • Delete Opportunity: You can delete an opportunity by clicking on the Delete button which is located in the top right corner of Opportunity View.
  • Strategy and Action: The user can decide strategies and perform various actions on an opportunity here.
  • Add New Strategy and Action: You can add new strategies and actions by clicking on the Add New button.
  • Add New Form: The user is now prompted to fill the following fields in order to add a new strategy.
  • Press the Edit button in order to make changes to the previously entered data. The user can now make appropriate changes and press the Save button to confirm them.

    To delete a strategy and action, press the Delete button

  • Revenue Generation: The user can view the revenue generation details in this tab.
    You can add a new record by pressing the Add New button. To Edit or Delete a record, click the respective links in the action column.
  • Add New: You can add a new Revenue Generation record by clicking on the Add New button.
  • Add New Form: The following fields are needed to be filled in order to add a new revenue generation record.
  • To edit a record, click on the Edit link in the Action column. The user can make changes to record and press Save to confirm them.

    To delete a record, click on Delete.

  • Task: You can view tasks assigned to the opportunity in the Task tab. The list shows the user the details of the task added.
  • Create Task: You can create a new task by clicking on the Create Task button.
  • Follow Up: The user can create and view existing followups to an opportunity in the Follow Up tab.
  • Add New: You can add a new follow up by clicking on the Add New button.
  • MOM: You can view minutes of meetings as well as add new MOMs in this tab
  • Create MOM: You can create new a new MOM by clicking on the Create MOM button.
  • DMS:

    The user can attach additional documents to a complaint using Edifybiz's DMS functionality.
    To add a new document, the user can click on the Add Document button and refresh the list of added documents by clicking on the Refresh button.
    The user can navigate through different folders in the Folders column.
    The details of a document include the File Name, the Size of the File, the Date of Creation and the user who created the document.
    The actions that can be taken on a document include:

    • Download: To download the document.
    • View Online: This opens the document in a new tab.
    • View Version: Allows the user to view previous versions of the document.
    • Update Document: Allows the user to revise or update a document.
    • Delete: Enables the user to delete a document.
    • Private Link: This generates a link to the document. This document is password protected.
    • Public Document: This generates a link to the document which can be viewed by anyone who posseses the link.
    • Tags: This enables the user to add a tag to the document.
    These actions are enlisted in the actions column of the document list.

  • Add Document: You can add new document in the dms by clicking on Add Document button.